Various Esters Of Boldenone
(Their Benefits and Side Effects)

There are two primary versions of this product available, one being the cypionate variant, and one being the acetate variant.
The former is the “longer” lasting version, and the latter is the “shorter” acting version. Their respective differences come as a result of the different nature of their respectively attached “esters.”

What Is An Ester? (Profile)

An ester is a derivative of a carboxylic acid molecule, and these acid types contain a group known as the “-COOH” group. In esters, the hydrogen component of this particular -COOH element is replaced by a hydrocarbon component (you’ll find this information supported here in conjunction with advanced information on esters in general.)

This particular hydrocarbon component could have any one of several different natures, all affecting the manner in which something “processes” or “alters” and at which point this “alteration” takes place.

Basically, esters determine (depending on their nature) precisely how something is going to digest within the body, and at which rate. Esters are actually included within the structure of everything from margarine to butter and oils; that’s what helps to give them their unique properties at different temperatures.

With this in mind, we have two very different boldenone options at our disposal, and it’s important that we determine the differences between the two in order to guarantee optimal safety during usage.

Boldenone Varieties

You will find other boldenone varieties available on the market – they all provide roughly the same results, but individually feature a different composition. One such variety is a boldenone “mix”, featuring both the undecylenate and cypionate esters combined together into one product.

In regards to the benefit that this serves, the theory is that the faster acting compound will enter the system rapidly, followed by the sustained release of the longer acting ester to “solidify” the benefit gained by the initial surge of boldenone release.

What practical purpose is this going to have within the body though? Ultimately, there’s no scientific backing to suggest that using a mix will in any way provide more benefit over using a standard “isolated” ester, although there are athletes who prefer using the Boldenone mix and their competition results are impressive.

This is the same for the likes of sustanon (a hugely popular combination of testosterone esters) and other similar blends; you’ll get 100% of the benefit of the base product, but there’s no confirmed and scientifically supported evidence to suggest that you’ll get anything “extra.”

Boldenone Cypionate

Boldenone Cypionate is arguably most users go to variant of Boldenone. It is especially popular with athletes who don’t particularly like using Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate). Two of the main complaints about Equipoise is its excessively slow clearance and that its really suited to a longer cycle.

When the cypionate ester is attached to the hormone, the half-life is shortened (to about two weeks) and the hormone is now fast acting. This enables it to work synergistically with other steroids of similar half-lives and you won’t have to wait long to see results. The cypionate ester transforms Boldenone into a smooth, fast and potent product.

Now, you won’t get any benefit from Boldenone Cypionate that you wouldn’t get from any other form of EQ, aside from it kicking in slightly quicker. But you won’t have to run it for 16 weeks to squeeze out the maximum results as you do when boldenone is attached to the undecylenate ester. The cypionate ester will compact your gains and can effectively be used in an 8 – 12 week cycle. Therefore, a lesser amount of the steroid will ultimately be needed to be used in the grand scheme of things.

The final advantage that Boldenone cypionate offers is with post cycle therapy. Because of the shortened half-life, PCT is able to be commenced earlier, generally only a couple of weeks after your final dose, instead of having to typically wait close to a month when using long estered variants.

Boldenone Propionate

Boldenone Propionate is a highly talked about product, but it isn’t used, and it’s rarely recommended. Why is that so?

Athletes generally seek Boldenone propionate out for a couple of main reasons. Equipoise is a popular product but it has an undecylenate ester attatched to it. This gives it a slow release and half-life (around 14 days), meaning that its only suitable for use in long cycles, usually 12 weeks. Many users prefer a shorter cycle and a shorter acting product. As all forms of Boldenone are the same, the difference being the period of release of the active hormone in the blood, boldenone propionate is an option. With a half-life on only two days, boldenone propionate provides a very sharp transition of blood levels. It is a very fast-acting form of boldenone.

On paper, boldenone propionate looks good. It raises your level of red blood cells very rapidly, repairs connective tissue quickly, and increases the appetite almost instantly. It contains 25mg/ml of the boldenone hormone attached to the acetate ester and 75mg/ml attached to the propionate ester. When using Boldenone propionate you will notice the effects taking place faster than a slower ester variant of boldenone.

Unfortunately boldenone propionate is not without its problems. It is known as one of the most painful steroids to inject, exceptionally so. There are numerous reports from people who have experienced greater pain with this injection than any other. The second issue is that due to its rapid onset of effects, a lot of users complain of a weeks worth of flu-life symptoms including high fever, body aches, and breathing difficulties.

If you are wanting to run a fast acting form of equipoise, boldenone acetate is a far better choice instead.

Boldenone Undecylenate

Boldenone undecylenate 250mg vials are now appearing via underground laboratories more than ever, and this “traditional” variant of the product is easily the most popular.

This version is the “first” version to be produced (with the latter cypionate variant not coming in until later on), and depending on which path you go down (veterinary or underground lab) you’re going to have a very different administration experience (as we’ll soon discuss.)

In either respect; your results are going to be largely the same, the difference is how long a cycle you want to run.

Boldenone undecylenate has advantages in that it stacks extremely well with other agents such as testosterone cypionate or enanthate for remarkable gains in muscle size and strength.

For example, one of the best and most popular variants of the 200mg version is represented by Boldenone 200mg by Prime Pharma, which allows a slow but steady gain of strength and quality lean muscle tissue.

Benefits of Boldenone Undecylenate

Whether using boldenone undecylenate 300 or boldenone 250 (both commonly produced options), you can expect to achieve the same results. The numbers at the end of these product names simply relate to the concentration of each product contained within each respective vial.

These results include, but are not limited to:

  • A safer, more sustainable product release
  • Sustainable gains in lean tissue when compared to “hard” gainers
  • An increase in red blood cell count and general oxygen utilisation
  • The maintenance of lean tissue when operating on a calorie deficit
  • Scientifically unconfirmed improvements in regards to muscular dryness towards the latter end of a cut
  • Improved nitrogen retention, meaning that this product can positively support either a bulking or cutting phase effectively
  • Increased muscular endurance
  • A potential increase in your nutrient uptake due to an enhanced red blood cell count.
  • A large surge in appetite (strangely, this aspect of boldenone isn’t scientifically supported as per a compound like GHRP-2 growth hormone, where there is plenty of “official” documentation to back up the claim. However, it is so extensively documented and reported that it’s impossible to deny that this hunger “spike” exists)

Possible Side Effects

As with any compound, boldenone side effects do exist, and they must be taken seriously in order to guarantee safety. 

It’s tremendously unlikely that you’ll actually encounter any of them, but it’s crucial that you never expect to “get away” with not suffering from any.

Always take any and all necessary precautions whilst integrating anabolic substances of any nature to ensure that you stand the lowest chance possible of having a “negatively charged” usage phase. 

The risks on offer here range from being fairly mild in nature, to being potentially severe when left unchecked.

You may potentially encounter:

  • Sporadic, random hair growth (unlikely)
  • Deepening of the voice (females only)
  • A reduction in one’s natural ability to synthesize testosterone
  • Bad skin conditions including acne / oily pores
  • Potential fluid retention underneath the surface of the skin (unlikely)
  • A distinct possibility that gynecomastia may arise (highly unlikely)
  • An increase in negative cholesterol (possible within a mild capacity)
  • Extreme pain at the injection site (cypionate version)

Benefits – An Extended Analysis

Whilst the above list of benefits is certainly extensive and definitely favourable, many of them relate to an aesthetic scenario; you’ll find that this substance can actually be used to great effect within an untested sporting framework too.

Firstly, we must emphasize the “untested” part of the above statement – this compound has been known to stay in the system for up to two years. Obviously, this would spell disaster for those who are regularly tested at an intermediate to professional level.

With the previous information in mind, an increased red blood cell count by default dictates that one’s utilization of oxygen and ability to perform resistance or cardiovascular exercise over a sustained period of time is going to “evolve”. Within an aesthetic setting, you’ll be able to advance your lean mass, strength and energy levels, and protect your existing tissue. You won’t achieve any of the afore-mentioned end results to an enormous degree (like anadrol or other “hard” gainers like dianabol) but they will certainly be noticeable, and conjunctively sustainable – the latter can’t ,necessarily be said for many other “off-season” compounds.

It’s on the subject of “seasons” that we must consider where the above benefits will be appropriately placed. Realistically, you can use this product as part of either a cutting or bulking cycle to respectable effect. Bear in mind that it can provide a platform for progressive muscle gain (and sustenance), improved endurance and potential nutrient utilization alongside a spike in appetite – this means that it can perfectly weave into an off-season, especially for those who struggle to take in the quantity of food they need to grow.

Within the above capacity, it should definitely be used as an auxiliary product as opposed to being a main supportive cycle “strut”. Use it to make other products more effective, as opposed to using it on its own (we’ll soon highlight how you can do this.)